Elsevier, Protist, 2(165), p. 208-229, 2014
DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2014.02.003
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We present the results of an ultrastructural re-investigation of two strains of amoebae that can be identified morphologically as previously described species of the genus Pellita Smirnov et Kudryavtsev, 2005, as well as the first molecular phylogenetic analysis of these amoebae based on SSU rRNA and actin gene sequences. The results obtained show close relationships between the genera Pellita, Gocevia, and Endostelium further supported by the description of Endostelium crystalliferum n. sp. that shares many morphological characters simultaneously with Pellita spp. and Endostelium zonatum. The three genera form a robust clade that branches deeply within Amoebozoa, among either Flabellinia, or Longamoebia, depending on taxa sampling. The results suggest that Gocevia and Endostelium should not be included in the Himatismenida; therefore, we transfer the family Goceviidae into Pellitida. The type of cell organisation that was considered to be typical of Himatismenida (i. e. a lens-shaped cell covered dorsally with the flexible layer of organic material) has most probably evolved in some of these amoebae independently of Cochliopodiidae and Parvamoebidae. The robustness of the Pellitida clade in the molecular trees is consistent with the cytoplasmic fine structure evidence for these taxa; in particular, the presence of a centrosphere (a dictyosome-associated lamellar MTOC) in all these genera.