Emerald, Library Management, 4/5(26), p. 170-175, 2005
DOI: 10.1108/01435120510596026
Full text: Unavailable
The Semantic Web vision is not a utopia. Intensive research is undertaken worldwide in Research Centres and several achievements have been accomplished towards the ultimate objective: The expression and the exploitation of Humanity's collective knowledge. Libraries always played a critical role to the dissemination of knowledge. In this special issue we go beyond the traditional verbalisms for the role of the Semantic Web in Digital Libraries. We deployed a multi-fold strategy for the preparation of this special issue. Given the special characteristics we selected a balanced mix of introductory to the topic and also advanced research papers at the leading edge of SW evolution. We do believe that the readers of this LMJ special issue will be motivated in being part of this exciting community. This special issue is endorsed by AIS SIGSEMIS. In the Special Interest Group on Semantic Web and Information Systems of the Association for Information Systems (http://www.sigsemis.org) we all share a common vision. Semantic Web technology is here to stay, and we have undertaken a multi-channel awareness campaign in various communities. In the last year, we started the AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin (available for free download at http://www.sigsemis.org), and also we launched the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (Editor in Chief: Prof. Amit Sheth, LSDIS Lab, University of Georgia, http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=4625). In this short editorial we will try to summarize the published articles of the issue and also to provide our understanding for the Semantic Web Roadmap of Digital Libraries.