Various test benches have been developed at ESS-Bilbao in order to characterize different beam diagnostics and control systems prior to their installation on several parts of the accelerator. One test bench includes time-of-flight (TOF) characterization for energy measurement using fast current transformers (FCT). Using FCTs for the TOF measurement would allow us to measure accurately the delay between two successive bunched or un-bunched beam pulses of low energy ions. The other test bench includes a beam loss monitoring and interlock system using ACCTs, cRIO and PXI chassis with some acquisition modules and optical fiber link which represent a complete system of beam loss detection, interlock logic and trigger signal transmission. Having an integration on the ACCT output also allows us to measure the beam charge at the location of monitoring. In the test benches the functionality of hardware and software, the logic and required signal specifications like rise time, jitters and delays are measured. An overview of test benches and their measurement results are reported in this paper.