Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 440-454
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09153-2_33
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Non nega:ve matrix factoriza:on (NMF) Masked Non Nega6ve Matrix Factoriza6on (MNMF) Mask: the base matrix W is defined by a user-‐provided mask matrix data in the subspace are described by the parts New objec:ve func:on : constrains the columns in W to contain only few non-‐zero elements New itera:ve upda:ng rules: objec:ve func:on non-‐increasing under the upda:ng rules MNMF improves NMF for IDA " Unique decomposi:on " W and H very sparse => easy to bring out useful knowledge Iris Dataset Part 1 Part 2 Sepal length Sepal width Petal length Petak witdth Query Mask MNMF NMF could be a good tool for Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) " Capable of represen:ng data as an addi:ve combina:on of parts " Dimensionality reduc:on helps to understand data " Ability of interpre:ng factors in the problem domain " Not unique decomposi:on " W and H very dense => difficult to bring out useful knowledge What is a part? We define a part as a small selec:on of features that present a local linear rela:onship in a subset of data * € X ∈ R + nxm ,W ∈ R + mxr ,H ∈ R + rxn