For the IPC and PO different evolution of the radial electric field and its shear has been found. While during the IPC the RMP induced changes cause a spin-up of the shear locally at the q=5/2 surface and thus a decrease in transport the PO due to the large extend of stochastization already at low amplitudes suffers from enhanced transport along the field lines to the target. The clear changes in shearing rate and its correlation with topology and confinement underline the importance of the E x B shear for the understanding of radial transport suppression and show the validity of RMP as a tool for inducing changes in the edge transport. The changes in Ω are radially localized. Switching between forward and reversed (BΦ / Ip) causes only locally a shift of the island. For the confinement, which is an integral quantity, this has no effect at all. Analysis with respect to turbulent suppression during IPC indicate the connection with E x B shear and radial transport reduction. The question of causality remains unanswered.