Bull. Geosci., p. 697-712
A detailed geochemical analysis has been conducted in the Fuente de la Vidriera section of the External Subbetic (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) in order to interpret the incidence of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) in the westernmost end of the Tethys. The obtained values of detrital, redox and palaeoproductivity proxies throughout the succession show minor fluctuations, but only punctual significant changes. Detrital input is nearly constant during the studied interval, except in the upper part, characterized by an increase in both fluvial and eolian detrital transport. Associated to this local higher fluvial and eolian activity, a comparatively higher concentration in organic matter is punctually registered, as revealed by the comparatively highest total organic carbon (TOC) value. The rest of the section shows TOC values in the lower range of those registered in the Tethyan Toarcian sections. Obtained ratios of redox-sensitive trace metals lead to the interpretation of oxic to dysoxic bottom-waters, with a singular sharp decrease in oxygenation corresponding to a short interval within the serpentinum Zone (sample FV-18) correlated to the T-OAE. The minor incidence of the T-OAE registered in this westernmost end of the Tethys —in which punctual dysoxic conditions are restricted only to a decimetric interval— reveals the importance of regional context and particular oceanic-atmosphere dynamics on the local record of this phenomenon.