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Zoosporic fungal parasites are known to control the extent and development of blooms of numerous phytoplankton species. Despite the obvious importance of ecological interactions between parasitic fungi and their phytoplanktonic hosts, their diversity remains largely unknown due to methodological limitations. Here, a method to genetically analyze fungi directly from single, infected colonies of the phytoplanktonic host was applied to field samples of large diatom species from mesotrophic Lake Biwa and eutrophic Lake Inba, Japan. Although previous research on interaction between lacustrine fungi and large phytoplankton has mainly focused on the role of parasitic Chytridiomycota, our results revealed that fungi attached to large diatoms included not only members of Chytridiomycota, but also members of Aphelida, Cryptomycota, and yeast. The fungi belonging to Chytridiomycota and Aphelida form novel, basal lineages. Environmental clone libraries also support the occurrence of these lineages in Japanese lakes. The presented method enables us to better characterize individual fungal specimens on phytoplankton, and thus facilitate and improve the investigation of ecological relationships between fungi and phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems.