American Chemical Society, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 22(133), p. 8506-8509, 2011
DOI: 10.1021/ja202832r
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We report a facile chemical synthesis of well-defined gold nanocrosses through anisotropic growth along both <110> and <001>, whereas gold nanorods grow only along either <110> or <001>. The multiple branching was achieved by breaking the face-centered-cubic lattice symmetry of gold through copper-induced formation of single or double twins, and the resulting gold nanocrosses exhibited pronounced near-IR absorption with a great extension to the mid-IR region. As studied by discrete dipole approximation (DDA) simulations, the entire nanocross gets excited even when one of the branches is exposed to incident light. The above properties make them useful as octopus antennas for capturing near-IR light for effective photothermal destruction of cells. The cell damage process was analyzed using the Arrhenius model, and its intrinsic thermodynamic characteristics were determined quantitatively. Besides effective photothermal treatment and two-photon luminescence imaging, the near- and mid-IR-absorbing gold nanocrosses may also find applications in IR sensing, thermal imaging, telecommunications, and the like.