Dieback of mamey sapote (Pouteria sapota) grafts is the most important disease during vegetative propagation in commercial nurseries. In 2008, Lasiodiplodia theobromae identified by cultural, morphological and molecular characterization was associated with this disease in 97 % of necrotic rootstocks and scions samples from a nursery in Guerrero, México. The fungus was inoculated onto the binding site of El Mexicano grafted plants. Dieback symptoms and gradual drying with cracking of the bark from the apex to the base of the scion were observed 30 d after inoculation. Abundant mycelia and pycnidia were found on inoculated scions and graft union areas, in the periderm, and on leaf scars. Transverse sections of inoculated scions tissues showed pycnidia. Parenchyma cells of cortex and phloem collapsed and died. L. theobromae mycelia and red inclusions, probably of phenolic nature, were observed in both xylem vessels and pith parenchyma cells. To our knowledge, this is the first study that provides pathogenicity and histopathological data about a disease caused by L. theobromae during the grafting process.