A new method of fabricating micro-pocket fission detectors (MPFDs) has been developed. Deployable into iron-wire flux wells, MPFDs are neutron sensors capable of real-time, in-core flux measurements. A cyclic potential sweep method was used to deposit 0.1 ± 0.006 µg of natural U onto one 0.33-mm diameter Pt electrode on one face of the MPFD chamber. The MPFD was operated in the central thimble and IRIS flux wells of the KSU TRIGA Mk II nuclear reactor. The MPFD response was observed to be linear with respect to reactor power with no sign of dead time between 10 kWth and 700 kWth. The IRIS flux well was utilized to observe a $1.50 reactor pulse with a max power peak full width at half maximum of 12 ms.