BioMed Central, BMC Medicine, 1(8), 2010
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Abstract Background Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV 1 ) is used to diagnose and establish a prognosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Using multi-dimensional scores improves this predictive capacity.Two instruments, the BODE-index ( B ody mass index, O bstruction, D yspnea, E xercise capacity) and the HADO-score ( H ealth, A ctivity, D yspnea, O bstruction), were compared in the prediction of mortality among COPD patients. Methods This is a prospective longitudinal study. During one year (2003 to 2004), 543 consecutively COPD patients were recruited in five outpatient clinics and followed for three years. The endpoints were all-causes and respiratory mortality. Results In the multivariate analysis of patients with FEV 1