Taylor and Francis Group, Journal of Geoscience Education, 1(48), p. 19-23
DOI: 10.5408/1089-9995-48.1.19
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Knowledge of soils can be a great benefit to geologists. Examples from my personal experience and the published literature show ways that geologists working in the environmental field, geologic mapping, geomorphology, and wetlands research can benefit from soils information. A world wide web based survey of the degree requirements of 27 undergraduate geology departments in the United States shows that seven of these departments either require or recommend soils classes for at least one of their degree programs. Twenty-four of the universities in the survey offer soils courses, meaning that 17 of the geology departments surveyed do not appear to be taking advantage of available soil courses. Soils coursework should be either required or made an option for geology degrees at the undergraduate level.