Taylor and Francis Group, Pharmaceutical Biology, 4(38), p. 318-320
DOI: 10.1076/1388-0209(200009)3841-aft318
Taylor and Francis Group, Pharmaceutical Biology, 4(38), p. 318-320
DOI: 10.1076/1388-0209(200009)38:4;1-a;ft318
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Tetrahydrojatrorrhizine, discretamine, anonaine and roemerine were isolated from the roots of Rollinia leptopetala R. E. Fries. They were identified and characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H and 13 C) with the aid of two-dimensional techniques ( 1 H- 1 H COSY, HETCOR, HMQC and HMBC). With the exception of tetrahydrojatrorrhizine, the presence of these alkaloids in R. leptopetala has not been reported previously.