Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 188-195, 2011
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23713-3_24
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Nonnegative matrix factorizations (NMF) have recently assumed an important role in several fields, such as pattern recognition, automated image exploitation, data clustering and so on. They represent a peculiar tool adopted to obtain a reduced representation ofmultivariate data by using additive components only, in order to learn parts-based representations of data. All algorithms for computing the NMF are iterative, therefore particular emphasis must be placed on a proper initialization of NMF because of its local convergence. The problem of selecting appro- priate starting initialization matrices becomes more complex when data possess special meaning, and this is the case of document clustering. In this paper, we present a new initialization method which is based on the fuzzy subtractive scheme and used to generate initial matrices for NMF algorithms. A preliminary comparison of the proposed initialization with other commonly adopted initializations is presented by considering the application of NMF algorithms in the context of document clustering.