Noble gases are widely used in oceanography and limnology, groundwater research, geo/cosmochronology, environmental and climate research. Gas standards for calibration of noble gas analyses are commonly derived from aliquots of ambient air. However, the atmospheric noble gas abundances are seasonally variable due varying air/ocean partitioning. Also, evidence for geographical variabilities of the 3He/4He ratio have been reported recently. Finally, and maybe most importantly, numerous studies considered a potential anthropogenic increase of the atmospheric He concentration and a corresponding decrease in the 3He/4He ratio during the past decades. The changes in the atmospheric noble gas composition are small, but may become significant in comparison of data determined using different air standards. We therefore suggest to collect a large amount of air which would serve as a common reference available to all noble gas laboratories. This reference could further be used to produce standards spiked with small and well known amounts of purified noble gases. We hereby invite the noble gas community to discuss the needs, requirements, and possibilities for such a community standard.