IEEE International IEEE International IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2004. IGARSS '04. Proceedings. 2004
DOI: 10.1109/igarss.2004.1369005
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A new global land-water mask at 1-km resolution provides a more accurate delineation of ocean shorelines and large lake coastlines than the Earth observing system (EOS) digital elevation model (DEM) land-water mask. The mask, which is derived from the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) Nadir BRDF-adjusted reflectance (NBAR) and land cover products, is an update to the EOS DEM land-water mask currently used for MODIS processing. The new land-water mask exploits the superior geolocation accuracy of the Terra MODIS instrument and is based primarily on twelve months of reprocessed (V004) 1-km MODIS NBAR data from 2001 as processed by the MODIS land cover classification algorithm. Evaluation of the new mask reveals errors of omission in delineation of narrow rivers and small lakes