Springer, Marine Biology, 4(161), p. 887-898, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s00227-013-2388-0
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Females of the polychaete Polydora hoplura (Claparède 1869) that produced planktotrophic and adelphophagic larvae were compared genetically to determine whether the different reproductive morphs represented sibling species or poecilogony. Worms were collected from Saldanha Bay, South Africa (33°0′37.71S, 17°56′59.74E), and cultured in a laboratory setting from November 2012 to April 2013. The results based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA (Cyt b and ATPSα, respectively) showed shared haplotypes between reproductive morphs for both markers. Additionally, variation in mtDNA sequences was significantly higher within morphs than between morphs (95.8 and 4.2 %, respectively). A comparison of developmental modes found that broods of planktotrophic larvae were larger than broods of adelphophagic larvae, while the latter had larger eggs and larvae at hatching. Developmental time from oviposition to settlement for planktotrophic and adelphophagic larvae was 40.2 and 16.6 days, respectively. Polydora hoplura represents the fifth confirmed case of poecilogony in the Spionidae.