Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 6(16), p. 1304-1312
DOI: 10.1109/titb.2012.2215878
Full text: Unavailable
Current clinical methods for the assessment of Parkinson's disease suffer from inconvenience, infrequency and subjectivity. WiiPD is an approach for the objective home based assessment of Parkinson's disease which utilizes the intuitive and sensor rich Nintendo Wii Remote. Combined with an electronic patient diary, a suite of mini-games, a metric analyzer, and a visualization engine, we propose that this system can complement existing clinical practice by providing objective metrics gathered frequently over extended periods of time. In this paper we detail the approach and introduce a series of metrics deemed capable of quantifying the severity of tremor and bradykinesia in those with Parkinson's disease. The system has been tested on a 71 year old participant with Parkinson's disease over a period of 15 days, a 72 year old control user without Parkinson's disease, and a group of 8 young adults. Results indicate a clear correlation between patient self rating scores of tremor severity and metric values obtained, in addition to clear differences in metrics obtained from each user group. These results suggest that this approach is capable of indicating the presence and severity of the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease that affect arm motor control.