Stellenbosch University, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2(22)
DOI: 10.7166/22-2-23
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The authors argue that business process management systems (BPMS) are exposed to similar risks of failure as are traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Change management is a significant critical success factor, and has to be managed well. Given the socio-technical nature of the implementation environment, communication and collaboration are crucially important to the success of change management. The authors provide an example of how collaboration and communication, as part of change management during BPMS implementation, can be achieved in practice, based on the use of Web 2.0 tools and an open source approach. ; Die outeurs voer aan dat besigheidsprosesbestuurstelsels aan soortgelyke falings-risiko’s blootgestel is as tradisionele ondernemingshulpbron-stelsels. Veranderings-bestuur is 'n beduidende kritiese suksesfaktor wat goed bestuur moet word. As gevolg van die sosio-tegniese aard van die implementeringsomgewing is kommunikasie en samewerking van deurslaggewende belang as deel van die veranderingsbestuurs-proses.Die outeurs wys met behulp van ’n voorbeeld hoe samewerking en kommunikasie as deel van veranderings-bestuur bewerkstellig kan word met behulp van Web 2.0 gereedskap en ’n oopbron-benadering. ;