American Physiological Society, American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 4(284), p. R954-R964, 2003
DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00438.2002
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The metabolic adaptation of the hindlimb in the fetus to a reversible period of adverse intrauterine conditions and, subsequently, to a further episode of acute hypoxemia has been examined. Sixteen sheep fetuses were chronically instrumented with vascular catheters and transit-time flow probes. In nine of these fetuses, umbilical blood flow was reversibly reduced by 30% from baseline for 3 days (umbilical cord compression), while the remaining fetuses acted as sham-operated, age-matched controls. Acute hypoxemia was subsequently induced in all fetuses by reducing maternal fractional inspired oxygen concentration for 1 h. Paired hindlimb arteriovenous blood samples were taken at appropriate intervals during cord compression and acute hypoxemia, and by using femoral blood flow and the Fick principle, substrate delivery, uptake, and output were calculated. Umbilical cord compression reduced blood oxygen content and delivery to the hindlimb and increased hindlimb oxygen extraction and blood glucose and lactate concentration in the fetus. However, hindlimb glucose and oxygen consumption were unaltered during umbilical cord compression. In contrast, hindlimb oxygen delivery and uptake were significantly reduced in all fetuses during subsequent acute hypoxemia, but glucose extraction, oxygen extraction, and hindlimb lactate output significantly increased in sham-operated control fetuses only. Preexposure of the fetus to a temporary period of adverse intrauterine conditions alters the metabolic response of the fetal hindlimb to subsequent acute stress. Additional data suggest that circulating blood lactate may be derived from sources other than the fetal hindlimb under these circumstances. The lack of hindlimb lactate output during acute hypoxemia in umbilical cord-compressed fetuses, despite a significant fall in oxygen delivery to and uptake by the hindlimb, suggests that the fetal hindlimb may not respire anaerobically after exposure to adverse intrauterine conditions.