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INTERdisciplina, 2(2)

DOI: 10.22201/ceiich.24485705e.2014.2.46532



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Urbanization and its Impacts on Land Use, Biodiversity and Ecosystems in India

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India, a predominantly rural country, is going through a slow but constant and broad transition towards urbanization. The amount of cities and mega cities has increased from 5,161 to 7,935 in 2011. The united Nations predict that, by 2031, 15% of the urban population of the world, about 600 million people, will be living in Indian cities. This increase in urban population will cause repercussions in terms of environment, ecology and sustainability, which will manifest themselves in demands on urban services and governance of the urban ecosystem. In addition, urbanization generates significant tension in terms of land cover, native habitats, biodiversity, protected areas and services to the ecosystem that are basic for human well being. In this paper we analyze some challenges and opportunities for urban development in India that include the participation of governments, private agencies, ngos, and citizens from different social and economic strata.