IOP Publishing, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 4(66), p. 045003, 2024
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Abstract The VEGA-3 laser system at the Centro de Láseres Pulsados delivers laser pulses up to 1 PW at 1 Hz repetition rate, focused to intensities up to 2.5 × 10 20 W cm−2. A versatile and compact solid target suitable for up to 0.05 Hz is presented which can operate in the challenging petawatt laser environment close to the laser-plasma interaction. Strips are spooled in a tape target system to deliver a solid density target to the laser focus for every shot. Results are presented for different tape materials and thicknesses, and a shot-to-shot standard deviation of the cut-off energy of 1.5% was obtained for Kapton reinforced aluminium tapes of 9 µm thickness. Experimental ion spectra are recorded by a Thomson Parabola Ion Spectrometer coupled with a scintillator screen; and an antenna array is used for the characterization of electromagnetic pulses. The results of both diagnostics show a good shot-to-shot stability of the system.