Cogitare Enfermagem, (29), 2024
ABSTRACT Objective: Describe and explore, from the perspective of managers and health professionals, the care offered to adolescents with obesity in the context of Primary Health Care. Method: A case study conducted in a municipality in the state of Ceará-Brazil. Data collection took place in 2022 through semi-structured interviews. The data were examined using Bardin Content Analysis. Results: The care of obese adolescents is fragmented, and each professional acts according to their own decision, as the municipality does not use protocols that subsidize the practice of care. Potentials for care were listed, the main one being the multidisciplinary team. Regarding the difficulties, the adolescent’s demand for health services was highlighted. Conclusion: It is necessary to (re) organize the care model for obese adolescents in the municipality. In addition, the study highlights the need for greater attention to adolescent obesity and causes reflections on the care provided to this adolescent.