Data @ Middlebury, 2022
DOI: 10.7926/71955140
Nature Research, Nature Communications, 1(13), 2022
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29680-z
AbstractA growing body of evidence demonstrates that Atlantic-style passive margins have experienced episodes of uplift and volcanism in response to changes in mantle circulation long after cessation of rifting. Passive margins are thus an attractive archive from which to retrieve records of mantle circulation and lithospheric alteration. However, this archive remains under-utilized due to difficulty in deciphering the surficial records of passive margin tectonism and linking them to seismic velocity structure. Here we present a new approach to unraveling the tectonic history of passive margins using U-Pb dating of calcite in faults and fractures along the eastern North American margin. These ages show a 40 Myr long period of continuous fracturing and faulting from ~115 to 75 Ma followed by another episode in Mio-Pliocene time. We argue that the former event represents a response to Cretaceous lithospheric alteration whereas the latter records development of modern relief in the northern Appalachians.