Springer, Climate Dynamics, 1-2(60), p. 393-407, 2022
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06310-4
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AbstractA high-resolution third-generation wave model based on unstructured grids, WAVEWATCH III (WW3), was used to study the projected future wave climate of Bass Strait and south-east Australia under two different greenhouse gas emission scenarios (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5). The wave model, forced with winds from the Australian ACCESS-CM2 Global Climate Model, shows good agreement with coastal long-term buoy observations and an independent WW3 hindcast dataset over the historical period 1985–2014. The projected mean significant wave height ($H_{s}$ H s ) for SSP5-8.5 by the end of the twenty-first century (2071–2100) shows a robust increase for the majority of the domain, but a decrease in nearshore regions, mainly due to projected decreases in local wind speed. The increase in $H_{s}$ H s for SSP1-2.6 is relatively small. Seasonal variations show that $H_{s}$ H s (SSP5-8.5) is primarily influenced by Southern Ocean swell in spring and winter and local winds prevail in summer and autumn. Hs percentiles show a stronger increase in extreme wave climate for SSP5-8.5 than for SSP1-2.6. Extreme value $H_{s}$ H s for SSP1-2.6 shows a projected decrease in western regions of the domain and an increase in the east. Extreme value $H_{s}$ H s for SSP5-8.5 shows a decrease in the nearshore areas of Victoria. This study shows that projected wave climate changes in south-east Australia may have potential implications for Tasmanian and Victorian coastline stability.