American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science, 6572(374), p. 1264-1267, 2021
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Optomechanical upconversion Molecules have rich signatures in their spectra at infrared wavelengths and are typically accessed with dedicated spectroscopic instrumentation. Chen et al . and Xomalis et al . report optomechanical frequency upconversion from the mid-infrared to the visible domain using molecular vibrations coupled to a plasmonic nanocavity at ambient conditions (see the Perspective by Gordon). Using different nanoantenna designs, one with a nanoparticle-on-resonator and the other with nanoparticle-in-groove, both approaches show the ability to upconvert the mid-infrared vibrations of the molecules in the nanocavity to visible light wavelengths. The effect could be used to simplify infrared spectroscopy, possibly with single-molecule sensitivity. —ISO