SpringerOpen, Applied Biological Chemistry, 1(64), 2021
DOI: 10.1186/s13765-021-00620-7
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AbstractThe use of probiotics has been applied for a variety of fields (e.g., immune system, mental health, and heart). In this study, the feasibility of lysates from L. rhamnosus IDCC 3201 for cosmetic ingredients was evaluated. More specifically, enhanced ceramides production in human epidermal keratinocytes by the lysates and its proposed machanism were investigated through in vitro and genome analysis. In results, enhanced spingomyelinase activity and thereby increased ceramides production by the lysates from L. rhamnosus IDCC 3201 was observed. Furthermore, it was found that the existence of glucosylceramdase in L. rhamonsus IDCC 3201 was attributed to enhanced ceramides production. Finally, it was verified that the lysates from L. rhamonsus IDCC 3201 was regarded as safe for its use as cosmetic materials. Thus, these findings have significant implications that might lead to the development of functional and safe cosmetic products from probiotics.