South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH), (Volume V), p. 2016, 2016
DOI: 10.4119/unibi/seejph-2016-94
In order to promote awareness of factors that affect social services, their quality, effectiveness and coverage, the term “governance” is frequently used. However, there is no agreement on definitions, frameworks and how it relates to the health sector. In this overview, two interrelated processes in Serbia will be analyzed: governance and management at the macro-, meso-, and micro level. Key messages are as follows: i) Continue decentralization and support to an effective national decision-making body (Health Council of Serbia) with all relevant stakeholders; ii) Reduce the well-known implementation gap and agree on a binding time frame for reforms, and; iii) Establish obligatory schemes for education and training of managers and support sustainability of state institutional capacity to teach, train and advise on a scientific basis.