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Background: Radiation doses and capability of EOS, conventional radiography (CR), and computed tomography (CT) to detect and measure enchondromas in a dedicated five-year-old anthropomorphic phantom were compared. Methods: To simulate enchondromas, minced pieces of chicken bone and cartilage were packed in conventional kitchen plastic foil to create ovoidal/rounded masses and randomly hung on the phantom. The phantom was imaged five times with CR, CT, and EOS, each time changing the number and position of inserts. All images were reviewed by a senior radiologist and a radiology resident. Results: EOS and CR detected all inserts in 4/5 cases (80%), while in one case 1/17 inserts was not seen. Excellent agreement of EOS with CR (88% reproducibility; bias = 14 mm; repeatability coefficient (CoR) 2.9; 95% CI from −2.8 to 3.1 mm; p = 0.5) and CT (81% reproducibility; bias = 15 mm; CoR 5.2; 95% CI from −5.5 to 5.2 mm; p = 0.7) was found. EOS showed 71% interobserver reproducibility (CoR 7.2; bias = 0.6 mm; 95% CI from −6.6 to 7.8 mm; p = 0.25). The EOS-Fast radiation dose was also significantly lower than the median radiation dose of CR (644.7 (599.4–651.97) mGy•cm2, p = 0.004). Conclusions: Low-dose EOS has the same capability as CR to detect and measure enchondroma-like inserts on a phantom and may be considered to monitor patients with multiple enchondromas.