American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science, 6498(368), p. 1477-1481, 2020
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A nearby multiplanet system Exoplanets can interact gravitationally with other objects orbiting the same star, affecting their evolution and stability. Studying these effects requires locating systems with multiple planets. Monitoring the nearby red dwarf star GJ 887, Jeffers et al. detected periodic radial velocity signals, indicating the presence of two planets on orbits with periods of about 9 and 22 days and a further candidate planet (see the Perspective by Davies). The inclinations of the orbits are unknown, so only minimum masses could be determined, but those were consistent with both planets being super-Earths—more massive than Earth but less than Neptune. This system is only 3.3 parsecs from the Sun, which should facilitate follow-up with other techniques. Science , this issue p. 1477 ; see also p. 1432