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HCCI (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition), laser-assisted HCCI and spark plug-assisted HCCI combustion was studied experimentally in a modified single cylinder truck-size Scania D12 engine equipped with a quartz liner and quartz piston crown for optical access. The aim of this study was to find out how and to what extent the spark, generated to influence or even trigger the onset of ignition, influences the auto-ignition process or whether primarily normal compressioninduced ignition remains prevailing. The beam of a Qswitched Nd:YAG laser (5 ns pulse duration, 25 mJ pulse energy) was focused into the centre of the cylinder to generate a plasma. For comparison, a conventional spark plug located centrally in the cylinder head was alternatively used to obtain sparks at a comparable location. No clear difference in the heat releases during combustion between the three different cases of ignition start could be seen for the fuel of 80/20 iso-octane/nheptane used. However, with optical diagnostic methods, namely PLIF (Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence), Schlieren photography and chemiluminescence imaging, differences in the combustion process could be evaluated.