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Endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) is a procedure that makes it possible to access the lesions that are on the wall of the digestive tract via the shortest distance through the mouth. Because of the ultra-minimal invasive nature of the treatment, pure EFTR is a highly promising surgical procedure that allows the radical excision of full-thickness layers of digestive tract tumors using only a flexible endoscope. There are 2 types of EFTR methods: exposed and non-exposed. Considering the risks of contracting infection and intraperitoneal dissemination of tumor cells, non-exposed EFTR is an ideal method. However, a number of issues remain unresolved, including the method for performing a full-thickness suture under endoscopic view and the challenge of securing the operating field in the case of gastrointestinal tract collapse. Moreover, advances in the development of equipment such as full-thickness suturing devices would be helpful to make this therapeutic procedure the most minimally invasive endoscopic surgery ever.