Sketch of the methodological approach, alternative to presentism and historicism, based on the Gaston Bachelard?s philosophy of science and epistemology and its key concepts like epistemological break, epistemological obstacle and error, will be showed in this text. These two dominant methodological approaches in history of sociology and its similar disciplines try, each in its own way, to provide solution to fundamental problem of the said disciplines, thus the problem of understanding. In other words, how to come to the proper interpretation of specific author?s thought through the analysis of texts left behind him? As it will be presented below, the basic characteristics of presentism and historicism, and therefore their shortcomings, arise from the specific model of science on which these approaches are based upon. It is in this context the relevance of Bachelard?s philosophy of science and epistemology can be seen to the problem of understanding, or to put it in another way, to the solution of mentioned methodological approaches? shortcomings.