Dissemin is shutting down on January 1st, 2025

Welcome to Dissemin

Dissemin detects papers behind paywalls and helps their authors to upload them in one click to an open repository.

Green Open Access

Green Open Access

Many researchers do not use their right to make their papers freely available online, in addition to the paywalled version of traditional publishers.

Uploading your papers to open repositories has significant advantages:

  1. Your research is available to everyone, increasing your readership and impact.
  2. You help universities abandon overpriced journal subscriptions.
Open Repositories

Open Repositories

Uploading your papers on your own webpage is not enough. Your papers are easier to find and more secure in the long-term when uploaded to arXiv, Zenodo or institutional repositories.

Access statistics

Dissemin collects its data from various sources and evaluates if a given publication is freely available.

Dissemin for Libraries

Dissemin for Libraries

As a library you can use Dissemin to find publications of your researchers that are behind paywalls. Dissemin can upload publications directly into your institutional repository and tries to support your local worklfow as much as possible.

You can advertise Dissemin to your researchers and show them how easy it is to liberate their publications!

Learn more!
Network of Partners


Dissemin would not be possible without the support of our partners:

Ouvrir la science !
Consortium Couperin
Project OpenIng
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)