To know the morphology of the structures appearing in the solar corona is essential to help us understand their physical origin and their behavior. For instance, two types of polar plumes, each having a different geometry could exist: “bright points ” plumes and “network” plumes (Gabriel, 2006). The study of plumes morphology and physical properties will probably help us to understand the heating and the acceleration of the fast solar wind. The tomography theory is a powerful mathematical tool which could allow us to reach these goals. Having a number of projections (i.e. images) of the Sun, it is possible under several assumptions to reconstruct its 3 dimensional structure. In this paper, we present our first results on tomographic inversion of the inner solar corona (lower than 1.5 solar radii) with the Inverse Radon Transform, using EIT/SOHO measurements. From the inverted intensities, we retrieve the electron density and temperature for each volume element (voxel). Key words: Sun; corona; tomography; plumes; electron density and temperature.