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Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '14

DOI: 10.1145/2554850.2555126



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Towards a Learning Design Authoring Tool that Generates Personalized Units of Learning for CSCL

Proceedings article published in 2014 by Chalco Geiser, Geiser Chalco Challco, Seiji Isotani ORCID
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The generation of personalized Unit of Learning (UoLs), such as a course, module, or lesson, is one of the most stud-ied topics within the field of adaptive learning environments. Nevertheless, the authoring of these UoLs in the context of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) using current learning design authoring tools is a complex task that requires practice and experience. Usually, practition-ers (i.e. non-expert teachers) have difficulties to use these tools because they must manually define all UoL compo-nents (such as group composition, students' roles, learning activities/goals, types of interactions, and so on) taking into account the needs and preferences of each learner. This pa-per introduces a learning design authoring tool, referred to as Adaptive Learning Design (ALD), that helps instructional designers to semi-automatically generate personalized UoLs for CSCL. ALD uses a courseware web service that employs the representation of Instructional Design (ID) using CSCL Script Design Patterns as Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) Planning. We present the architecture of this courseware and others web services used by ALD, our goal is to show the facility of our approach and some of the functionalities it offers for non-expert.