American Geophysical Union, Journal of Geophysical Research, (113), 2008
DOI: 10.1029/2008je003087
Full text: Unavailable
[1] Nightside emission measurements of the Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on the Venus Express spacecraft were used to estimate the potential for surface data extraction. A selection of orbits over the northern hemisphere was performed for footprints that cover different scales of surface elevation variations. A correction method was used to remove stray light from the measured spectra that is due to direct sunlight striking the instrument. A preliminary radiative transfer calculation technique was applied to simulate Venus nightside radiation. The basic features of the measured spectra are well reproduced. Present limitations of the algorithm are discussed. The variability of the emission window radiances with respect to cloud opacity and surface elevation is modeled and discussed in direct comparison with the measurements. It is demonstrated that a multispectral analysis in the surface and deep atmosphere window ranges (1.0-2.3μm) and the use of radiance ratios are well suited to decloud the data and to extract surface information from the VIRTIS measurements. This method allows a mapping of surface topography and the retrieval of the surface temperature. A preliminary topography retrieval at Beta Regio was performed and compared with Magellan radar data. Differences are possibly due to emissivity variations on the surface.