Springer (part of Springer Nature), European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1(25), p. 91-106
DOI: 10.1007/s00787-015-0710-8
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criterion (HRNeg). The HR+ subjects were significantly more impaired in their social and occupational functioning than their HR− peers (subjects not at HR). The cumulative 1-year transition risk of psychosis of the HR+ group was 26.7 %. When the HRNeg group was added, the 1-year transition risk was 17.3 %. We suggest that administration of the CAARMS to children and adolescents with putative prodro-mal psychosis is feasible and that this assessment can easily be integrated into existing Italian neuropsychiatry services although clinicians should interpret results with caution as results in this age group still have to be replicated.