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Proceedings of the 4th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction changing roles - NordiCHI '06

DOI: 10.1145/1182475.1182514



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Midwives experiences of using HMD in ultrasound scan

Proceedings article published in 2006 by Juha Havukumpu, Pia Vähäkangas, Eija Grönroos, Jukka Häkkinen ORCID
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The head-mounted displays have been tested in various fields in medicine. According to some results, using a head-mounted display makes medical operations faster, more effective and accurate than using a conventional table display. In this study we wanted to find out midwives experiences of using a head-mounted display in an ultrasound scan. Our preliminary result shows that head-mounted display in ultrasound scan could work better than conventional method. We also noticed that midwives who got higher scores of diffusion of innovation scale have a tendency to like head-mounted displays more than those who got lower scores.