Proyecciones (Antofagasta), 3(42), p. 571-597, 2023
DOI: 10.22199/issn.0717-6279-4818
If H is a Hilbert space, the non-compact Stiefel manifold St(n, H) consists of independent n-tuples in H. In this article, we contribute to the topological study of non-compact Stiefel manifolds, mainly by proving two results on the path-connectedness and topological closure of some sets related to the non-compact Stiefel manifold. In the first part, after introducing and proving an essential lemma, we prove that ∩j∈J (U(j) + St(n, H)) is path-connected by polygonal paths under a condition on the codimension of the span of the components of the translating J-family. Then, in the second part, we show that the topological closure of St(n, H)∩S contains all polynomial paths contained in S and passing through a point in St(n, H). As a consequence, we prove that St(n, H) is relatively dense in a certain class of subsets which we illustrate with many examples from frame theory coming from the study of the solutions of some linear and quadratic equations which are finite-dimensional continuous frames. Since St(n, L2(X, μ; F)) is isometric to, FF(X, μ), n, this article is also a contribution to the theory of finite-dimensional continuous Hilbert space frames.