Elsevier, Tectonophysics, 3-4(478), p. 175-183
DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2009.08.003
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In the last years, the deep crustal structure of the North-Western part of the Iberian Peninsula has been explored using teleseismic receiver function (RF) analysis of P to S conversions at main crustal interfaces. This area has been previously investigated by seismic reflection and refraction experiments and therefore provides an excellent opportunity to compare the results of both approaches. The region shows the imprint of two orogenic events, the Variscan and Alpine ones that exhibit different, reverse intensities from west to east. In a first stage, a N–S transect across the Cantabrian Mountains was instrumented to study the area affected by the Alpine compressional tectonics. Later on, the limit between the undisturbed Variscan units and the reworked Alpine zones was explored by N–S and E–W transects. Finally, an array was deployed in the NW edge of Iberia, over the Variscan hinterland zone. The receiver functions are calculated by inverse filtering deconvolution of the L component from the Q component, and the resulting RF are processed using a simple form of migration to obtain images in depth of the lithosphere that can be compared to the 2-D velocity–depth models from active seismic experiments. The deep crustal structure constrained by both techniques is remarkably consistent, and provides further evidence on the crustal doubling and wedging between the Iberian and European crusts throughout the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula affected by the Alpine tectonics. The undisturbed Variscan domains, characterized by a clear subhorizontal Moho and few intracrustal convertors, show up at the southern edge of the N–S transects (southward of the Alpine deformation front) and over the Variscan hinterland in the E–W transect. The crust resulting from Alpine reworking presents a complex structure, with short and frequently dipping convertors, which in some cases seem to image preserved Variscan structures. ; This work was sponsored by Spanish Research Ministry projects AMB98-1012-C02 and REN2001-1734-C03. M. Ruiz has benefited from a Spanish Ministry “F.P.I.” Ph.D. grant. Figures were created using GMT (Wessel and Smith, 1998 Wessel, P., W.H.F. Smith 1998. New, improved version of the generic mapping tool released, EOS Trans., AGU, 79, 579.Wessel and Smith, 1998). This is a contribution of the Team Consolider-Ingenio 2010 TOPO-IBERIA (CSD2006-00041).